Tänään on 05.06.2024, 12:55.

Italia Serie-B 25.-26.1

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Italia Serie-B 25.-26.1

Viesti Kirjoittaja winorloose »


En kuvittelekaan tietäväni mitään Serie-B:stä, mutta melko mielenkiintoista infoa kuitenkin alla. Olisiko viimeinkin aika Atalantan avaustappion? Viiden pintaan olevia kertoimia olisi FIORENTINALLE tarjolla. :wink: Sarjaa paremmin tuntevat, antakaahan kommenttia kamppailusta.


The leader of the league against the team that maybe now, after the winter market, is the best team in Serie B.
In a critical moment for Italian soccer Fiorentina seems the only Club that can spent money to buy players and in my opinion they have spent very well their money.

They have renforced the team with players that in this league can make the difference. Piangerelli, Manfredini, Viali and Vryzas were regular in their Serie A teams. Fontana is considered among the best midfielders of Serie B. Fantini, Savini and Camorani are good players too. The last Purchase is Delli Carri, that was regular with Siena until last Sunday.

Before the winter market fiorentina were already solid at home (7-5-0) but were disappointin far from their ground I expect that Fiorentina will have a positive trend also in away matches.

Beside strenght of Fiorentina it's very important the fact that Atalanta are in an emergency situation. Atalanta have big injuring problems in the defensive line. After Innocenti, Lorenzi and Bellini, also Gonnella had an ankle injuring during the training and will be out for a month. So Coach Mandorlini is obliged create defense without the four regular defence. The defensive line will be Rustic-Sarr-Santos-Smit, and particulraly the central couple don't convince me.

So I foresee an hard day for Atalanta against Fiorentina that have two strong and in good form strikers like Vryzas and Riganò.

I think that it's time for the first loss of Atalanta and I back Fiorentina with maximum stake.

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Liittynyt: 20.09.2003, 11:56
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